StarcoatĀ® PMMA Waterproofing System
A flame free and rapid cure, two component polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin waterproofing system that provides a fully adhered waterproofing layer.
Manufactured for new build and refurbishment projects and BBA certified for zero fall applications, Starcoat PMMA is hard wearing and will withstand significant load bearing and mechanical stresses. Ideally suited to complex detailing and areas where traditional waterproofing is difficult or impossible to apply.
The Starcoat PMMA system range includes Air and Vapour Control Layers (AVCLs), tapered or flat board thermal insulation, PMMA liquid waterproofing membranes available in a choice of colours, traffic and anti-slip layers and a full range of accessories to ensure compatibility and single source responsibility.
Starcoat PMMA is an extremely versatile waterproofing system suitable for use in all trafficable and non trafficable construction types, providing durable waterproofing protection even when exposed to the most extreme weather and environmental conditions. Starcoat PMMA is suitable for both refurbishment and new build projects.
Starcoat PMMA system assemblies have a service life in excess of 25 years, comply with British and European standards and have been approved by the British Board of AgrƩment under certificate number 16/5322 PS1. Starcoat PMMA is classified as unrestricted by the requirements of The Building Regulations Approved Document B: Fire Safety and certified Broof(t4) in accordance with BS EN 13501-5:2005 fire classification of construction products and building elements.
Starcoat PMMA is a rapid curing liquid waterproofing system, has a fast and simple application process with no waiting time required between system layers. Difficult to access areas on all construction projects can be waterproofed simply and safely using Starcoat PMMA, and will be fully trafficable in less than one hour, even when installed at low temperatures.
20 Year Guarantee
Starcoat PMMA achieves a 20 year insured system guarantee covering materials, design and workmanship, and has a service life in excess of 25 years. Additional independent insurance backed insolvency protection for Axter's materials, and the workmanship of the accredited roofing contractor, is also available for 10 years in respect to Platinum Guarantees.

Starcoat PMMA is British Board of AgrƩment (BBA) certified, is accepted by all third party building warranty providers such as LABC and NHBC, and complies in full with The Building Regulations and all relevant British and harmonised European standards.

More Benefits
- BBA accredited - certificate number 16/5322 PS1
- Approved Document B: Fire Safety compliant
- Completely flame free
- Excellent adhesion to all types of surfaces
- Rapid curing
- Rain proof after 30 minutes at 20Ā°C
- Zero fall accredited
- Variety of colours and wearing finishes available
- Solvent free, chemical resistant and root resistant
- Self terminating system
Starcoat PMMA
Cold applied rapid cure liquid waterproofing system.
Starcoat PMMA Trafic
Cold applied rapid cure liquid waterproofing system with trafficable surfacing.
Starcoat PMMA Primers
Starcoat PMMA Fleece
Starcoat PMMA Catalyst
Starcoat PMMA Liquid Membrane
Starcoat PMMA Self Levelling Mortar
Starcoat PMMA Self Levelling Aggregate
Starcoat PMMA Coloured Sealer
Starcoat PMMA Clear Sealer
Starcoat PMMA Vehicular Coat