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🚧 Axter Sustainability Pathway | Axter
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We’re B Corp Certified

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Our pathway to a sustainable and inclusive future has begun.

Let's use the power of business to make a difference.

The climate crisis poses a real threat to the future of us and our planet. As a business, we understand that we have an important role to play in fighting this threat, reducing our environmental impact and using all of the tools at our disposal to make positive change. This page is about what we're doing to clean up our act.

We also believe in the power of coming together and demanding systemic change from government and industry. We value people over profit, and are determined to protect our community spaces for future generations.

We're cleaning up our act!

We hold each other and our organisation to account and we want to use the power of our business to benefit the climate, the communities and our employees.

We want to be sure what we say, is exactly what we do. Therefore we have taken time to research the best assessment tools, invested in sustainability and carbon emission experts to guide us, and have embedded our sustainability commitment into our whole business strategy.

Our journey so far

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April 2023: We've submitted our B Impact Assessment

It's taken six months of research, analysis and eye opening exploration into our business.

What happens now?
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February 2023: Measuring our Carbon - Scope 1,2,3

We delve deep into our carbon emissions. Splitting our assessment out into three core areas.

Learn about Scope 1,2,3
Whole Hog Races

January 2023: Charity Partners

Last year we donated over £45,000 to our charities, this year we plan to give more.

See our Charity Partners here
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December 2022: Carbon Assessment​

We want to fully understand our carbon output so have partnered with specialist carbon assessment consultancy Eight Versa to measure and reduce our carbon footprint including product lifecycle assessments.​

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November 2022: The UN's Sustainability Goals

Businesses are key to accelerating the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Learn about the 17 goals here

Oct 2022: UKGBC Membership

We became members of the UK Green Building Council, as we support their mission and believe that collaboration is the key to achieving meaningful sustainable change within the industry.

Learn more
B impact assessment compare

Oct 2022: B Impact Assessment

We begin our deep dive into sustainability by starting the B Impact Assessment.

What is the BIA?
Cyd connects

Sept 2022: Sustainability Partner

We partner with Cyd Connects to help us measure, create and meet our sustainability goals.

Learn more
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July '22: The time is now

Our determination to understand the impact our business has on our climate and communities...

Learn more

Our vision for a better built environment

We will improve the roofscape and transform the world above our heads to benefit the climate and the community.

Our company's vision is bold, but so is our commitment to sustainability. We've redefined our vision and business strategy to put sustainability at the core of everything we do. The only way we will achieve this vision is by ensuring the climate and our communities are one of our key stakeholders in all areas of the business. Learn more about us here.

Social Responsibility

As well as working towards our own sustainability and Net Zero goals, we are proud to support six amazing partner charities. Each one is doing incredibly important climate and community work in the local area.

Visit our Social Responsibility page to find out more.

C Limate Partners 1


Our climate based charities are doing incredible work to improve our environment, make our spaces wild again and campaign for protecting our land for wildlife. We want to help with their cause and are committed to supporting their efforts. Our climate charity partners are Rewilding Britain, Wild East, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust and Suffolk Wildlife Trust.

Meet our Climate Charities
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Our three community focussed charities work tirelessly to support the people and communities in need. For us, Suffolk is our local area, and therefore we have partnered with Suffolk Mind, Emmaus Suffolk and Suffolk Community Foundation to help support the work they do across our county.

Meet our Community Charities
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