Are you aware of the updates to NHBC Standards 2021 in reference to 'Chapter 5.4 - Waterproofing of basements and other below ground structures'?
Chapter 5.4 gives guidance on meeting the Technical Requirements for the waterproofing of basements and other structures below, or near to, ground level.
At Axter, we have been developing our systems to ensure robust waterproofing above and below ground. We recognise the risk associated with podium waterproofing and the need for a coordinated waterproofing approach, bearing in mind the critical interface junction detail between the podium and head of retaining wall. So we’ve partnered with Newton Waterproofing, the UK’s leading independent supplier of below ground waterproofing systems, associated pumping and drainage products to ensure that we can provide a robust, coordinated and seamless guaranteed solution.
This partnership is designed to bridge the design and liability gap between above and below ground waterproofing disciplines typically seen on most concrete frame podia. We have been working collaboratively on a series of tried and tested compatible interface details ranging from pile cap, property line, upstand detail and more, to eliminate the design risk for architects and specifiers. Our relationship is collaborative and design led, ensuring a workable guaranteed solution for architects, developers and homeowners to protect properties against water ingress and dampness.
Contact us to see how our combined expertise can help you.

07th December 2020